How Good are Strawberries for Healthy Heart?

A powerhouse of vitamin C, strawberries offers amazing health benefits and considered heart friendly fruit.

100g of strawberries provide almost 100% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. And being a great source of vitamin C, this red berry is an excellent source of antioxidants.  Moreover, it contains several other vital mineral and vitamins needed for the body. Strawberries are rich in fibers too.

Strawberries and Heart Health

Atherosclerosis, formation up of plaque in the arteries causes a blockage to the flow of blood to the heart. Sometimes this plaque breaks away and forms a clot causing an interruption to the blood flow and may damage heart muscle. It is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, peripheral arterial disease and a stroke. This plaque formation is a gradually progressive disease, but bad cholesterol is one of the main culprit behind it.  

Change in life style along with healthy eating may help slow down atherosclerosis or even improve the situation. There are certain foods that can be considered as heart friendly which include berries, certain nuts & seeds, vegetables and fruits.

If we look at the nutritional facts of strawberries[1], they contain no transfat and no cholesterol.
Magnesium, Potassium, Folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids are available in good amount in strawberries which are some of the vital nutrients needed for the healthy function of heart and circulatory system.

Strawberrey is a good source of potassium; this mineral plays a significant role in regulating and controlling heartbeats. It helps trigger the heart to squeeze blood through the body. It also helps with muscle movement.   

Flavonoids present in strawberry possess an anti-inflammatory property which helps reduces plaque formation which is a main cause of narrowing of blood vessels and constricted blood flow. Strawberries are a good source of magnesium which also plays a significant role as an anti-inflammatory.  This may reduce risk of heart diseases and improves cardiac health.  
Being a great source of antioxidants , it helps fight free radicals in the blood stream and reduces oxidative stress.  

Studies have been conducted which reveals that eating berries lowers risk of heart attack[2].  

Several ways to enjoy strawberries

Strawberries are tasty and juicy and appeals all from toddlers to elders. They can always be enjoyed in its natural form. So many delicacies of strawberries are prepared and available which include smoothies, ice-cream, cakes, chocolates, candies, jam, cookies, syrup and more. Strawberry
is a seasonal fruit, so when not available you can use frozen or dried ones.  

